As a grassroots organization,
the George Wiley Center relies on the generosity of our supporters. We greatly appreciate and thank you for helping us to continue our important work.

thank you!
~ Wish List ~
* Any financial donation small or big
* Your volunteer time to make phone calls, provide rides, help around the office, do doorknocking and other outreach, give computer tech support, or offer a variety of skills, all ages of volunteers are welcome!
* Paper, for making handouts and flyers, to inform others and increase participation
* Office Copier Machine, to make handouts and flyers
* Poster boards, paint, markers, canvas, to make community messaging for hearings and actions
* Van, for providing rides to those who don't have cars
* Children's art supplies, coloring books, markers, crayons, construction paper, etc., for children who come to our office accompanying their parents to consultations and meetings
* Miscellaneous office supplies (office chairs, pens, clipboards, envelopes, staplers, tape, etc.)
* Sound system, bullhorn, microphone, for use at actions and other events
* Digital Video Camera, tripod, and other A/V equipment for making grassroots films on local issues of social and economic justice
* Projector, to show movies and news clips on community issues
* Refrigerator, to store food and drinks for community meetings
* Non-perishable snack items, beverages, coffee, pizza & grocery store gift certificates, for community meetings
* Other miscellaneous items, please check with us
Please contact us for any questions or to discuss possible donation of goods or services. THANK YOU!
Office: (401) 728-5555 georgewileycenterri@gmail.com